Your Self-Care Scoop: Spring 2022 Edition

Your Self-Care Scoop

Spring is in the Air -

With Extra Reasons to be Excited!

The start of spring always gets me excited. The plants start to come back to life – and so do I. It means I can store away all of those extra layers and feel the warm sun on my skin. The trees start to bloom outside my windows. My little dog and cat even have more life in them as they hunt the awakening insects.

This spring, I have one more reason to be excited. I recently completed my manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) certification and have added this technique to my practice! The lymphatic system is a main part of our immune system, reduces swelling and inflammation due to injury, surgery, or simply a hard workout, moves fluid through our body and cleanses it of waste, and generally balances and regulates our body. I have already added this technique into several client sessions, and one client reported this afterwards:

“…while I didn’t notice a huge difference during the massage, but since then, I’ve had so much more energy and significantly less joint pain. Maybe multiple factors, but it seems a bit magical to me!”

Your quarterly newsletter dives further into the lymphatic system and lymphatic massage, as well as two short articles with tips for the spring. Contact me if you’re interested in how MLD could get you closer to your health goals, or with your favorite Fort Collins springtime activity I should make sure not to miss!

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