Your Self-Care Scoop: Fall 2021 Edition

Your Self-Care Scoop

The Physical to Mental Risk Equation

A friend recently posted that they have tickets to a concert but don’t feel comfortable going to an indoor venue, and were looking for someone who might have a different answer to the physical to mental risk equation that would want the tickets. That equation stuck with me. As we continue living through a global trauma, we each have our own individual answer to the physical to mental risk equation. For me, that means receiving a massage with a masked and vaccinated therapist, socializing with friends mostly outdoors with the occasional indoor activity, and taking a vacation with my partner to the middle of nowhere to gaze at the stars. I had no idea how much that last one was missing from my life until last month, nor how much peace it would give me. We came back refreshed and teeming with ideas of how to comfortably reevaluate our physical to mental risk equation.

Have you thought about your answer to the risk equation? Is there something you could add back into your daily life to address your mental wellbeing while not affecting your physical comfort level? My fall newsletter is all about simple self-care activities that might help you get the wheels turning.

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