The standing chest stretch opens the front of the body and helps alleviate any pain and tension you feel in your neck, shoulders, upper back, and on down the body. I suggest trying this stretch for 30-60 seconds, 3-5 times per day. But if you can only fit in one stretch each day, still do it! You WILL feel a difference!
Let’s get started!
Make sure you are standing in good alignment. Check out The Plum Line Tutorial for more on this.
Bring your hands behind your back and clasp them together. The closer the palms can be the more of a stretch you’ll feel.
Straighten your elbows and check your shoulders are not creeping up towards your ears.
Slowly start to look towards the sky.
You may feel a stretch here. To intensify the move, slowly bring your fist towards the sky.
A Stretching Series: For the Busy Person
This is the first in a series of videos I will be posting which show stretches you can do without adding anything more to your already busy life. These stretches can easily be done while you are waiting for something else to take place. For example, try a stretch while you are waiting for the shower to heat up, or the coffee to brew. Whiole running errands, you might find yourself standing arounnd waiting in line – that’s a great time for a standing stretch. You don’t have to commit to a full hour of yoga. Just adding 1-2 stretches into your daily life WILL make a difference!