Figure Four Stretch

A favorite stretch to address tension in all of the many hip muscles.

Your Self-Care Scoop: Winter 2022 Edition

New quarterly newsletter is out! It's a new year. Take a moment to look around your life. What is working, what can change, and what can you let go?

A Flat Fee Rate Structure

Flat fee rates for massage therapy sessions - no additional taxes or fees, and no additional tipping.

Standing Chest Opener

Chest stretches open the front of the body and alleviate pain and tension through the neck, shoulders, upper back, and on down your body.

Your Self-Care Scoop: Fall 2021 Edition

Is it time to reevaluate your physical to mental risk equation?

Going Barefoot

Living life without shoes!

The Plum Line Tutorial

The plum line is an imaginary line that helps you check your alignment during standing, stretches, and exercises. When in alignment, this line goes through your ear, shoulder joint, hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint.

3 Questions to Ask Your Massage Therapist During the Coronavirus Pandemic

This is an article that was deleted when I redesigned my website but is still pertinent today. Stay safe and take care of your self.

Chair Massage for Your Office or Event

If you run a company, manage a team, or simply (though it’s often not so simple!) keep the office organized and running seamlessly, then this blog is for you!

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